Prana Mama Four Week Course
The four week course format is the most immersive prenatal yoga teacher training option offered by EcoFit Yoga. This course is offered completely online, and combines a series of live sessions held on weekends with self-paced, on-demand content to be reviewed during the week. In addition to live sessions on Saturdays and Sundays, there is a weekly Friday evening check in, as well as optional live office hours on Wednesdays.
This format is designed specifically for people with busy weeks and free weekends, who wish to complete the training in a short amount of time. Students can expect to dedicate an 1-3 hours per day to self-paced content for the duration of the program, in addition to the weekend live sessions.
Week 1
Friday: 3pm-6pm PST; 3 hours (live via Zoom)
- ​Opening ceremonies
​Introduction to course
Course expectations
Saturday: 9am-12pm PST; 3 hours (live via Zoom)
- Module 1: Pregnancy Overview
Sunday: 9am-12pm PST; 3 hours (live via Zoom)
- ​Module 2: Ayurvedic Pregnancy
Each week, on-demand content will be available immediately following the corresponding live class.
Week 2
All relevant on-demand content will be available by Sunday evening
- Students are responsible for reviewing material before the Friday check in
​Module 1 & Module 2 related content
Wednesday: Office Hours (optional)
Friday: 5-6pm PST; 1 hour (live via Zoom)
- Friday Check In: review on-demand content
Saturday: 9am-12pm PST; 3 hours (live via Zoom)
- ​Module 3: The First Trimester
Sunday: 9am-12pm PST; 3 hours (live via Zoom)
- ​Module 4: The Second Trimester
Week 3
All relevant on-demand content will be available by Sunday evening
- Students are responsible for reviewing material before the Friday check in
​Module 3 & Module 4 related content
Wednesday: Office Hours
Students are required to schedule a one-on-one session sometime in the week 3 or week 4 to work on final project with lead trainer
Friday: 5-6pm PST; 1 hour (live via Zoom)
- Friday Check In: review on-demand content
Saturday: 9am-12pm PST; 3 hours (live via Zoom)
- ​Module 5: The Third Trimester
Sunday: 9am-12pm PST; 3 hours (live via Zoom)
- ​Module 6: The Fourth Trimester
Week 4
All relevant on-demand content will be available by Sunday evening
- Students are responsible for reviewing material before the Friday check in
​Module 5 & Module 6 related content
Wednesday: Office Hours
Students are required to schedule a one-on-one session sometime in the week 3 or week 4 to work on final project with lead trainer
Friday: 5-6pm PST; 1 hour (live via Zoom)
- Friday Check In: review on demand content
Saturday: 9am-12pm PST; 3 hours (live via Zoom)
- ​Module 6: Final Assignment Prep
Sunday: 9am-12pm PST; 3 hours (live via Zoom)
- Final Assignment Presentations
- Course reflection
- Closing ceremonies